Wednesday 19 April 2017

AfricaNews: UN alarmed by Burundi militia chants to 'impregnate or kill' opponents

According to report, the United Nations has raised alarm over chants by the youth wing of Burundi’s ruling party CNDD-FDD calling for opponents to be impregnated or killed.

The chants captured on video and circulating on social media shows over a hundred young men from the Imbonerakure militia at a rally in the Ntega commune of the Kirundo province in northeast Burundi repeatedly chanting “make opponents pregnant so that they can give birth to Imbonerakure”.
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Tuesday described the incident as worrying.
“The grotesque rape chants by the young men […] are deeply alarming – particularly because they confirm what we have been hearing from those who have fled Burundi about a campaign of fear and terror by this organized militia,” he said in a statement.
OHCHR noted a statement by the ruling party condemning the chanting but added that reports indicate the similar rallies have been organized by senior government officials across the country.
“[The] condemnation is meaningless if, instead of a putting a stop to such events, senior Government officials continue to take part in such rallies … Such blatant and brazen hate speech and incitement to violence must not be tolerated, nor encouraged,” Zeid warned.
The video in question also shows another group repeatedly shouting about 19 times that the opponents “should die”, OHCHR noted.
Over 400,000 people have fled Burundi over the last two years fearing for their safety, the UN estimates.

AfricaNews: 17 more mass graves discovered in central DR Congo-UN

                                  Exhumed human skulls
According to report, 17 more mass graves have been discovered in central Democratic Republic of Congo.
Investigators from the United Nations said on Wednesday they found the graves in Kasai region, bringing the total found since August last year to 40.
Recent clashes in central Kasai between soilders and members of a local militia known as Kamuina Nsapu, have left dozens dead including the killing of two UN workers of Swedish and American origin.
The UN human rights office said in a statement that Congolese soilders killed at least 114 people including 41 children.
Zeid Ra’ad al- Hussein, UN human rights chief, warned that if Congo’s government doesn’t investigate the violence effectively, he will urge the International Criminal Court or another outside entity do it.
On Monday, DRC’s government said it had returned the body of Kamuina Nsapu, the deceased former leader of the local militia in a bid to end months of violence in Kasai.
Congo’s Interior Ministry added that the late rebel leader had appointed Jacques Kabeya Ntumba as the new head.

Health - Technology

Pharmacists happy with feedback following launch of ATM pharmacy